The KCW Library was established in 1958 from a meager collection of 225 books. It has developed into a modern and well stocked library. It is partially air-conditioned and surrounded by lush green playground and dotted with beautiful ornamental trees.
The mandate of the library is that no bonafide reader is allowed to be deprived of its rich resources.
The total area of the library is 5600 Sq. ft. –

  • Reading room area covers 1300 Sq. ft.
  • Stack area covers 4000 Sq. ft.
  • Store covers 300 Sq. ft.
The library has more than 60,000 books and subscribes to 20 journals. Besides it receives 13 newspapers and 30 magazines. Library and reading room are kept open to all students from 9 am to 4 pm on all working days.
It has an open access facility. The entire collection is automated using the SOUL Library Management Software and all metadata entries are stored there only. All books have been automated with barcode labels and charging & discharging of books is carried out through the use of laser scanner. For meritorious and economically backward students book bank facility is available. The library also provides books to students during the examination time with collection of deposit money.

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