Ø  Library books will be issued to the students on the student Identity-cum-Library Card. 
Ø  A penalty of Rs.105/-will be levied for the issue of duplicate card. The loss of card should immediately be communicated to the Librarian so that the library staff may keep an eye on the issue of books on the lost Library Card. The student whose library card has been lost will be held responsible for books issued on that card. 
Ø  Student’s up to Graduation classes are entitled to borrow two books at a time. Masters and Honors students are allowed to get 4 books at a time from the library. 
Ø  The books may be retained by borrower for a period of 14 days after which they must be returned or reissued, the later depending on the discretion of the Librarian.
Ø   Fine of Rs.1/- per book per day will be charged after the due date. Leave from the college does not imply exemption from the return of the books. The books may be sent to the library by post under registered cover. If the day of return happens to be a holiday, the book must be returned on the next working day. 
Ø  If the book is found torn, the borrower will be required to replace the book or pay double the price as damage. The borrower should examine the books and draw the attention of the issuing authority to the defects detected and issuing authorities will sign on the book as evidence. 
Ø  The books if lost should be reported to the Librarian immediately. The book lost will have to be replaced with a new one with the approval of the Librarian within 14 days failing which she will be required to pay double the price. 
Ø  Current library periodicals are to be read in the library premises only. Any person found taking the periodicals outside the library or tearing spoiling the pages of a periodical will be fined heavily. 
Ø  The students are expected to read notice issued by the Librarian from time to time. No excuse will be entertained for ignorance of information notified earlier. 
Ø  Perfect order and silence should be maintained in the library at all times. Personal books, files, bags, raincoats, umbrellas etc. should be placed at property counter.
Ø  Taking unissued books beyond issue counter is strictly prohibited. 
Ø  The Library Security can be claimed within one year after leaving the college otherwise it will lapse.

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